I Will Not Be Moved
"I Will Not Be Moved" was written to compliment the 2013 Mutual Theme: D&C 87:8 "Stand ye in holy places, and be not moved"
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Making my way through this unsteady world
Reaching for footholds of faith
So many walking both sides of the line
But I know the path I will take
Placing each footstep in the warmth of His light
Steady and true to this burning inside
I will stand in holy places
Worthy in my youth
And I will be prepared to meet His call
And no matter how the world will change
I will stay, I will remain
Anchored in the safety of His truth
And I will not be moved
Facing the voices who would have me believe
That faith and religion are weak
So many chasing the ways of this world
But I know whose face I will seek
Fearless and faithful in declaring His name
Shining His light I will not be ashamed
Keeping my heart on the hills of higher ground
Ready there to walk with Him
And I will not come down
I will not come down
I will not be moved
I will not be moved